Saturday 24 January 2009

The safe optio?

One of the features of elections is that there are people who when looking for a safe option have a tendency to vote Liberal Democrat on the basis that they are nice, cuddly middle of the road people.

The reality is something else. They are by their own admission more left wing than the Labour party and their prime objective seems to be part of the power regardless of who is in charge.

Evidence of this is their support of the failed Labour administration in Holyrood where they were coalition partners and now their partnership with the SNP in Edinburgh Council.

Neither of these experiences of government reflect well on the LibDems. Indeed they contradict themselves, note Lib Dem MSP Margeret Smith’s support for the Panda Breeding plan at Edinburgh Zoo opposed by a LibDem MP from Portsmouth.

The only way we are going to see a change for the better is when we remove the socialists from control.

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