Saturday 24 January 2009


Last November I took part in a sponsored sleepout in aid of the Homeless persons charity the Rock Trust. Can I say how grateful I am to those who sponsored me, I raised approximately £1500 for the charity.

The experience was an eye opener in more ways than one. Sleeping out meant that the following day I felt rough. It was easy for me as I was able to return to a warm house the following morning. But what of those who have nowhere to go?

A senior member of another homeless persons charity said to me recently that people only become homeless when they have suffered complete family breakdown and they have no one to turn to.

Isn’t that a terrible indictment of our society that has so devalued family life that we still have homelessness?

We have a broken society. My key objective as I seek election to Parliament is to try and help to rebuild our broken society. I claim no special expertise, and I am convinced that government has few answers. The answers do not come from new laws and regulation, they come from encouraging people to take responsibility for themselves and for their neighbours.

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