Friday 19 March 2010

He admits it at last!

At last! This week we had official confirmation of what we knew all along. The Prime Minister admitted that he had misled the Chilcott enquiry with his answers about the funding of the Iraq war. There is a more direct term for this, but convention prevents me from calling a spade a spade…

The fact is that the Prime Minister, when Chancellor, broke the military covenant and sent our soldiers into a war without the necessary equipment. That was unforgiveable! Whether or not we may agree with a war, we must never betray our soldiers in this way again.

Just recently, a mother told me that her two sons, who are in the army have had to use their own money to buy the use of extra bullet proof vests as there were not enough to go round in Afghanistan.

The Labour Government has betrayed our country, betrayed our soldiers and betrayed the people. They should go!

Thursday 4 March 2010

It's time for change

As we draw ever closer to the General Election you will, inevitably,
notice an increased number of leaflets coming through your door. The purpose, of course, being to persuade you to vote for whoever has produced the leaflet, and on that count I plead guilty!

It is worth pointing out however, that my leaflets have been produced and
distributed entirely through the voluntary efforts of your local
Conservative party and no public funds whatsoever have been used.

As we approach the election, it is worth remembering that we are
fighting the next election - not the last one. As such, fancy graphs of
what happened before, are entirely irrelevant. We are fighting this
election on a platform that promises change. Change from "big Government"
to "small Government". Change from the nanny state to one where personal
responsibility is encouraged, where those who can, are left alone to get
on with life, while those who can't, are given the support they need.

So, let's vote for change. Let's look to the future and let's make a