Thursday 23 April 2009

Car Scrapping

So, we're being encouraged to scrap old polluting cars with the incentive of a £2,000 discount against a new car.

Has nobody noticed that the people who own ten year old cars are unlikely to be able to afford a new car?

Yet another example of Labour spin with no substance behind it.

Who do you think you are kidding?...Mr Darling

You couldn't make it up!

Here we are in the mother and father of all recessions. The country is bankrupt and billions of pounds in debt, you'd think that the government would be worried and would be taking steps to reduce the debt so that we don't become a bankrupt state.

No, Gordon Brown and Alistair Darling continue fiddling while Britain burns. There is no attempt to reduce government spending other than some vague mention of efficiency savings. There is no attempt to raise more money from taxes. Yes, we see some increases in excise duties, and yes we see a new top rate tax of 50% for high earners.

Except that those high earners have been given a year's notice, during which time they can rearrange their finances. Chances are a good number will leave the country thus reducing the tax take when the time comes. The new higher rate isn't scheduled to come in until after the next election.

You would have thought that given the crisis we have, and according to Alistair Darling it's the worst in 60 years, that putting the finances on an even keel would be a priority. So why not introduce the higher rate tax charge now?

Could it be that it's nothing to do with the government finances and everything to do with partisan politics? Yes, setting a trap and inviting the Conservatives to repudiate the tax opening them to charges of aiding and abetting the rich.

Great! Class warfare at its best. The politics of envy lives on in New Labour.

Frankly this Labour government have completely lost the plot. It's time for them to have the courage of their convictions or get out of office and allow a new government to come in and sort out the mess, as we have in the past and as we will in the future

Tuesday 21 April 2009

Liberals see the light on tax

The Liberal leader has announced a plan to raise personal allowances to £10,000. Welcome to the real world!! He is only catching up with something I have been proposing for a couple of years now.

The idea that someone on the minimum wage and working 40 hours a week should pay £2,000 in tax yet received tax credits to offset this is Bizarre in the extreme, but that is how Gordon Brown's mind works.

Simplification of the system by removing the need for tax credits can save a fortune in government costs, so removing the poorest from the tax system altogether will actually reduce government spending.

Of course there are two problems with the Liberal ideas. Firstly the party is divided. There is a significant number of them, Edinburgh West Liberal MP included, who have formed a left wing group within the Liberal party to oppose the "right wing faction" consisting of Nick Clegg and Vince Cable. Secondly there is no prospect of the Liberals forming a government, therefore his ideas are pointless unless implemented by a Conservative Government.

Since this is an idea that I was proposing long before the Liberals jumped on the bandwagon, better to elect the real thing who can have a positive influence to make it happen.

Thursday 16 April 2009

I'm sorry (well sort of)

Gordon Brown is reputed to have said today regarding the smeargate affair ....

"I am sorry about what happened... I wrote to those people affected, expressing deep regret, and the person responsible went immediately... I take full responsibility for what happened. That's why the person who was responsible went."

Interesting comments these. Note that he says he is sorry about what happened (translated - I'm sorry my right hand man got caught).

He takes full responsibility (does he? What has he done to take responsibility? Sack someone else, someone he appointed and who he has had as a trusted advisor for almost ten years?)

That's why the person responsible went (Went? Went where? It is not clear that he has left the civil service.)

The fact of the matter is that while Gordon Brown may well be telling the truth when he says he did not know about the emails, those around him acted in the way they did because of the tone set by the leader, Gordon Brown.

What this affair has brought to light is that far from bringing a new spin free regime to politics, he has been exposed as scheming double dealing bully and completely lacking in any sort of moral compass.

Tuesday 14 April 2009

Apologies- due and not

Over the past few days we have seen the McBride scandal emerge.

This is a man who worked in Downing Street in the heartof Gordon Brown's government operation. The tone and content of the planned smears are frankly abhorrent and exposes a rottenness at the heart of government.

Gordon Brown says that he knew nothing of the emails. That may well be true, we have no way of knowing. What is clear however is that Gordon Brown has set the tone of the office that allowed those working for him to believe that they were doing the right thing by him in planning to smear political opponents and their families. In that sense, he knew all right. He set the tone, he set the scene.

What is really bizarre however is the Liberal Democrats who have popped up demanding that David Cameron apologise for the actions of a former candidate in Watford. This is nothing more than blatant opportunism as bad as the Governments shenanigans.

Clearly what happened in Watford was outrageous, and it was dealt with both by the party and the full force of the law. To draw any sort of parallel beyond that is simply crazy.

Wednesday 8 April 2009

Bob's blunder

You have to wonder about the judgement of Asst Commissioner Bob Quick that he carries sensitive documents where they can be seen.

Surely anyone handling sensitive documents would know that you do not compromise operations in this way. If he didn't think, then you have to question his competence.

That home secretary Jacqui Smith is standing by him only serves to emphasise her own incompetence and lack of judgement.

The fact of the matter is that both should now resign.

Freedom of Speech

One would have thought that a Liberal MP would be in favour of freedom of speech. Sadly this is not the case. Edinburgh West MP John Barrett has voted down free speech (!) in the latest Bill going through Parliament (Criminal Justice & Immigration Act) which will mean that ordinary folk will be dismissed and bullied for voicing their beliefs in work and every aspect of life.

Strange how the Liberals seem to have more in common with repression than liberalism.

Monday 6 April 2009

MP's expenses

What an embarrassment!!!

Every day the press brings us yet another story about MP's (and MSP's) apparently abusing their expenses. Initially it was back bench MP's, now each member of the cabinet from Gordon Brown downwards is being implicated in sleaze.

Even the Liberals are at it. The MSP for West Edinburgh charges us 49p for each time she visits her constituency office. A journey of 1 mile. Now lets be clear, this is entirely within the rules, but come on... Doesn't this smack of desperation, or penny pinching, or more likely milking the system for all it's worth?(Sunday Times 5th April 2009)

Gordon Brown and Alistair Darling, not to mention Geoff Hoon and Jacqui Smith have all designated their main residences as their second homes in order to claim expenses. Again it's all within the rules, but I have to ask is it in the spirit of the rules?

There is a saying that if it looks like fish and smells like fish, it probably is fish.

Surely the system of MP's expenses was set up in order to ensure that the costs of being an MP were properly reimbursed, and not to allow them to feather their nests as seems to be the pattern. All within the rules of course!

I am employed in business, and as part of my job I claim expenses. The principle I work to is that no one should ever be able to question what I claim, because it should be obvious that the claim is both legitimate and within both the rules and the spirit of the rules. In other words I will not leave myself open to a charge of abusing the system. Quite apart from the reputational issues, most commercial organisations will sack anyone abusing their expenses.

What I say therefore is this. If the people of Edinburgh West choose me to represent them in parliament at the next election I promise that I will not abuse the rules relating to expenses in any way that gives the impression that I am feathering my nest at the tax payers expense.

I will claim only what is reasonable, properly incurred and I will not twist the system for example, to redesignate my Edinburgh home as a second residence in order to claim extra allowances.

In short I will seek to be the Honourable member for Edinburgh West.

Perhaps if more MP's remembered that they are supposed to be honourable members we wouldn't have the stench of corruption that is all pervading at present.