Monday 6 April 2009

MP's expenses

What an embarrassment!!!

Every day the press brings us yet another story about MP's (and MSP's) apparently abusing their expenses. Initially it was back bench MP's, now each member of the cabinet from Gordon Brown downwards is being implicated in sleaze.

Even the Liberals are at it. The MSP for West Edinburgh charges us 49p for each time she visits her constituency office. A journey of 1 mile. Now lets be clear, this is entirely within the rules, but come on... Doesn't this smack of desperation, or penny pinching, or more likely milking the system for all it's worth?(Sunday Times 5th April 2009)

Gordon Brown and Alistair Darling, not to mention Geoff Hoon and Jacqui Smith have all designated their main residences as their second homes in order to claim expenses. Again it's all within the rules, but I have to ask is it in the spirit of the rules?

There is a saying that if it looks like fish and smells like fish, it probably is fish.

Surely the system of MP's expenses was set up in order to ensure that the costs of being an MP were properly reimbursed, and not to allow them to feather their nests as seems to be the pattern. All within the rules of course!

I am employed in business, and as part of my job I claim expenses. The principle I work to is that no one should ever be able to question what I claim, because it should be obvious that the claim is both legitimate and within both the rules and the spirit of the rules. In other words I will not leave myself open to a charge of abusing the system. Quite apart from the reputational issues, most commercial organisations will sack anyone abusing their expenses.

What I say therefore is this. If the people of Edinburgh West choose me to represent them in parliament at the next election I promise that I will not abuse the rules relating to expenses in any way that gives the impression that I am feathering my nest at the tax payers expense.

I will claim only what is reasonable, properly incurred and I will not twist the system for example, to redesignate my Edinburgh home as a second residence in order to claim extra allowances.

In short I will seek to be the Honourable member for Edinburgh West.

Perhaps if more MP's remembered that they are supposed to be honourable members we wouldn't have the stench of corruption that is all pervading at present.

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