Monday 10 November 2008

Lib Dems and the local income tax

The Council tax, like any tax is not popular, although much of the reason for theis can be laid at the door of the Labour government which over the past 11 years has heaped more and more responsibilities onto local authorities without a corresponding increase in revenue to cope. Given the gearing effect of the tax, the increases have been disproportionate. It has been the ultimate Labour stealth tax.

Alex Salmond’s SNP want to replace this with a so called local income tax, which is not local. Given their lack of a majority in the Scottish parliament the SNP need help. Step forward the Liberal Democrats who seem keen to support the SNP in making Scotland a less attractive place to live not to say more expensive for young couples where both are working. I’m sure that the voters of Edinburgh and elsewhere will remember the Lib Dems support of this flawed idea at the next elections and will vote accordingly.

Far better the solution proposed by the Conservatives which seeks to reform rather than replace the council tax and in so doing will cut bills for everyone.

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