Thursday, 15 October 2009

The Nationalists and public spending

So Alex Salmond thinks the only difference between the Unionist parties is the level and ferocity of public spending cuts.

By implication therefore the SNP are not going to reduce public expenditure at all.

Just where is the money coming from to maintain this largesse? After all the Scottish Parliament raises none of its taxes. All the funds come from Westmnster through the block grant. Do they really believe that when Government taxes are falling due to the recession that they should be exempt?

And if the SNP did have independence, where would the money come from? Taxes? Naturally, but on what? just how long do they think that they could maintain a high tax high spending government? Do they honestly think that with 42% of the population dependent on the Government for their salary that they would be able to tax sufficiently to pay for that? Just how long would the remainder of Scottish business stay here when a two hour drive to the south would put them in a different jurisdiction?

It's the old story, Alex Salmond's SNP are all talk, knowing that they'll never have to deliver on their promises.

Just the same as the Liberals...

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